Milap: Personal Blog

About Milap

I’m from Kutch, Gujarat, India.

Currently pursuing a Master’s in Mathematics at IISER BPR (Berhampur), Odisha, India

Milap mathematics milap rajgor
At Somnath beach


Mathematics has always fascinated me with its surprising results and connections intertwined with different branches of Math.

My mind takes refuge in the lotus feet of Lord Krishna whenever he is tired of doing the duties of this material world.

I’m interested in solving real-world problems using AI and ML that’s why I’m a python enthusiast.


“Unless what you are doing is fun, you are just wasting your time!”

~Some guy from heaven

Do you know ? Mathematics is the language of the universe and it is the basis of all sciences. I like one Sanskrit phrase about math,

यथा शिखा मयूराणां , नागानां मणयो यथा ।

तद् वेदांगशास्त्राणां , गणितं मूर्ध्नि वर्तते ॥

“Like the crowning crest of a Peacock & the shining gem in the cobra’s hood, So is Mathematics at the top of all sciences.”